Surely many developers today are asking the questions of, what are microservices? how does this benefit us? is my monolithic application not optimal? because to answer all these questions you can say that everything depends on the characteristics and requirements of the development itself as it is not necessary that applications or platforms should have these features.
Probably now everyone wants to implement these types of architecture to test or optimize their systems and get better results, maybe they succeed and others fail in the attempt then to give a more precise approach you can say that the microservices solve several system conflicts but would add additional tasks such as versioning each of these services, constant maintenance, custom deployments or very extensive testing due to the amount of services you have, but not everything is bad because the scalability becomes more robust, you can handle different languages at once, the performance of the servers is much more extensive, create specific load balancers or less data latency among many other advantages.

In more specific cases it could be defined as the development of an application or a platform would be like a work group where, if we have only one worker to execute a task it will take much more than three workers to execute it since this way the loads can be distributed by means of a supervisor (Load Balancer).
Microservices are useful for big systems with independent services but for small applications it would be a waste of money and processing, also it must be taken into account that microservices must have a communication between themselves and for that it would be enough a HTTP request between servers, also other protocols could be used but these implementations are additional and are under the responsibility of the developer.

In conclusion, the microservices can be used in large applications with the necessary tools and within reach, with the respective security standards and privacy policies of the company.
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Johan Delgado – Systems Engineer