Since a long time ago, humanity began the race to reach the space, which involved who would be the first to send an animal, step on the moon, do experiments, etc. However, the space race became a lucrative and multi-million-dollar industry. Accompanied by new communication technologies such as GPS, internet, surveillance, and others I cannot mention.
Countries and now private companies are procuring the placing of the largest number of satellites into the orbit, for different purposes. Today, according to official reports from NASA, there are more than 3,500 operational satellites, orbiting around the earth, and near 8,000 elements, including damaged satellites and other types of space debris.

The space race to dominate the satellite internet has begun, recognized companies are sending satellites into space every month to, as they say, “bring internet to the most remote areas.” However, and of course, this service will NOT be free, companies like Space X have created their Starlink project, to put into orbit more than 40,000 satellites of 260Kg each, which will guarantee internet services for Tesla cars and surpluses that will be sold on other countries, or who knows if with this they will become the new kings of the Internet, thanks to the expertise of Elon Musk; I think Jeff Bezos isn’t far behind and is also preparing his initiative. But they are not the only ones, more than a dozen companies around the world are working on the same topic, including Russia, China, among others. So, 40,000 satellites x 12 companies = 480,000 media satellites that we will have orbiting in a few years. How will they avoid everyone colliding with each other and falling on our heads? mathematical algorithms and computers also fail.

The question I ask myself, is who regulates this? Having the technology and the money gives you the faculty to invade the space and generate a business at 550Km or 1000Km over our heads? The answer is yes. However, everyone who has a house, or an apartment must pay an annual tax, that is, we pay to live, but for those on orbit to whom will be paying? who controls them?
The other thing I wonder is if there is are already broken satellites, (of course, at the speed that goes an orbiting satellite it might not be possible to repair, I even doubt that it is possible to dispose of as garbage) who will guarantee to me as a human being that those devices will not fall to earth someday. On my roof? What space program is thinking of how to collect this space trash? No wonder some people want to go to Mars, if in the end, we will destroy the earth, by simple greed of Power.
I am an inventor and a lover of technology, but I think it should be used to serve well to humanity , not just to make money and power; that the world will be technological and needs to be connected, it is a latent reality, however, by my own developments, and by others, I know that there are cheaper and less polluting technologies to do so.
If you want to know what satellites are going over your head, here is a link that will be very useful.
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Luis Bernal – Lya Electronic’s CEO
A simple Human Being