Benchmarking is a theoretical-practical tool that allows companies that implement it, to analyze key indicators of their internal performance, these indicators will take into account the internal processes and their characteristics such as productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, workflow, among many other aspects. The final result of benchmarking is the identification of the strong and weak points […]
Social networks are an excellent tool to attract, obtain and retain the public towards your business, and creating a strategy around these communities becomes a necessity now more than ever in the current scene where the traditional methods of obtaining an audience are diverse, we no longer have so much flow of people in physical […]
Creating and managing a company are very difficult and delicate aspects that lead us to have to pay attention to every detail and activity, no matter how small. Many times we are afraid of not knowing how to do it, because we think it costs too much or we are just afraid of something new. […]
Consumers nowadays are educated consumers meaning more informed and motivated toward making a deeper conscious decision on what, how, where, and to whom they are purchasing it. Their behavior is directing towards a good use of their resources, and the technology is a significant enabler. On their cell phone (primarily) or also on desktops, they […]
The digital transformation is predominating within companies, the current situation with the pandemic and social distancing is practically forcing all businesses/companies to have at least one web page and in the same way, it encourages web-based entrepreneurs’ growth, all this added to the constant increase of the web regarding Information (social networks, virtual encyclopedias, news, […]